the scales of wellness
Weight loss strategies and mindset shifts for lawyers
The One Thing You Have to Do to Stop at Enough
Learn a superpower when it comes to losing weight. This strategy will not only make weight loss easier, but it will help you enjoy food more and enjoy your life more.
Implementing this strategy will definitely require a new kind of thinking. Be open to trying it and experiment with what happens!
Make It So Much Easier to Eat When You're Hungry
Learn the most effective and efficient way to tune into your true hunger signals. Implementing this simple strategy will make weight loss significantly easier for you. Stop struggling and start trusting your body.
The Three Common Sense, Effective Strategies You Need for Permanent Weight Loss
Extreme dieting measures may help you lose weight temporarily, but ultimately they will backfire on you and leave you heavier than when you started and demoralized. Instead, implement the three Trust the Journey steps to lose weight that will stay off for good.
In this episode, I lay out my basic Trust the Journey philosophy. This approach will lead you to feel calm about losing weight and like it is actually doable for you, without changing your busy legal career.
How to Start Losing Weight Today, Even With Your Busy Legal Career
You can start losing weight today, without going on a diet, feeling deprived, or turning your life upside-down. With your busy legal career, you have a limited amount of bandwidth to give to getting healthy and moving to your ideal weight. Good news - you don't need to start intermittent fasting or counting all your calories. I tell you the three changes I made to start losing weight and you can implement them right now. Here's my story of how I made simple, doable changes and how you can do the same.