The Scales of Wellness
Weight loss strategies and mindset shifts for lawyers
Start your year off by getting powerful strategy and mindset guidance and taking effective action towards your goal weight.
I hear from a lot of people...
Start your year off by getting powerful strategy and mindset guidance and taking effective action towards your goal weight.
And speaking of goal weight...
"Am I eating too much?" is such an important question! (And you must ask it without shame, judgment, or drama.) If you ARE eating too much, we need to...
Join me for a client interview with Margaret Woodbery, a client of mine who is not a lawyer and who is not trying to lose weight. She is a great examp...
In this episode, you can work on your mindset around weight loss by comparing it with the game of golf - even if you are not a golfer!
Picture this: you're enjoying Thanksgiving dinner, savoring foods you love, feeling proud of yourself. Is it possible to spend your holiday in a way t...
Can you find my factual error in this episode?? Listen carefully and let me know!
Struggling with urges to eat when you know you're not hungry? Frustra...
If you're wondering:
- isn't changing my mindset the same thing as positive thinking?
- how DO I change my mindset?
- why is it so effective to shift m ...
The next two months will fly by. They will be filled with work deadlines, holiday shopping, and extra events.
Check in with yourself: Are you feeling l...
Does this sound familiar:
You were "good" all week and felt like you were in control and on track with your weight loss.
Then the weekend comes and it a...
Overthinking can be a common problem for attorneys. Thinking has gotten us far in our lives! Overthinking, on the other hand, paralyzes you and leads ...
The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.
I have noticed that everything in my life gets better when I d...